12 December 2022
An event for olive production in Nea Moudania

The special informative event organized by NEUROPUBLIC and GAIA EPICHEINEIN on Saturday, December 10, at the theatre of New Moudania, was successfully held with the strong participation of olive growers from the prefecture of Halkidiki.

With the main topic being the olive tree, the challenges facing its cultivation and the solutions that modern technologies can provide, the event answered key questions, such as what the new CAP that starts in 2023 for Greece provides, how Greek olive production can become more competitive and more sustainable, and how smart farming helps farmers make better decisions for their farms.

At the same time, a detailed presentation of NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense system, which supports the olive grower to achieve better results at reduced costs, was given, while successful case studies were analysed, such as the case of Yanni’s Olive Grove where gaiasense has added significant value to the final product.

In fact, Yannis Prodromou, producer and owner of the company, said, “The implementation of the advice of the gaiasense smart farming system has enabled us to significantly reduce our cultivation costs and thus have a more competitive product.

The event concluded with questions from the attendees, who showed genuine interest in the introduction of high technology in agricultural production and the digital transformation of the countryside, and there was no lack of questions regarding the operation of gaiasense and its advantages over the competition.