14 November 2023
Plant protection

How can the gaiasense app help you spray more correctly?

Spray Suitability Index
Statistics show that 2 out of 3 sprays (66%) of a growing season can be unnecessary or incorrect. With gaiasense, however, you know when the conditions are right to spray and you don’t make a mistake. In other words, this means: a) a reduction in production costs, since you avoid unnecessary spraying, b) greater protection of your crop, since your plant protection is done in a more efficient way, c) better quality production, since you use fewer pesticides. In addition, you save valuable time from fewer visits to your field and protect the environment from unnecessary agrochemicals.

How does gaiasense accomplish this?
Combining meteorological weather forecasts with meteorological conditions that affect the effectiveness of sprays. The calculation of spraying suitability is done for each of your plots separately and for every three hours, within the next 3 days of the forecast. And it is displayed on the weather forecast screen with a simple color scale
For example, when high winds are expected/forecasted, spraying conditions are ineffective or even dangerous. gaiasense calculates the above data and displays red (meaning conditions prohibit spraying) during that time period. In fact, in the red time intervals, the application also shows you the reason why spraying is not allowed.
Conversely, if conditions are favorable, it appears green (conditions are ideal) or light green/khaki indicating that conditions are not ideal, but allow spraying to take place.

With the gaiasense app you avoid unnecessary spraying, better protect your crop and save valuable time and money!