14 November 2023
Fertilization & crop growth

How does the gaiasense app help you identify problems in your crop?

  • Vegetation Index (NDVI) & satellite imagery

gaiasense calculates the NDVI vegetation index using images from the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Sentinel-2 satellite, which takes a new image every 5 days. With these satellite images and the vegetation indicator you can easily and quickly see how “vigorous” your field is.
In short, the greener the color in the satellite image, the larger the value of the index gets closer to 1. The more yellow and brown the color, the smaller the value of the index gets closer to 0. So, if you see some color variation in more than one image during the growing season, then there is probably a problem and it is worth doing a field inspection.

  • Vegetation index & weed detection

An additional possibility that the vegetation index gives you is the detection of weeds in fields sown with annual crops. If through the images vegetation is observed during periods when the field is uncultivated, then these are weeds that should be eliminated before the next sowing.

  • Vegetation index & irrigation problems

By monitoring the vegetation index (NDVI) satellite images at different stages of growth, you can identify unevenness issues in the irrigation system and address them.

  • Vegetation index & fertilization problems

By watching how the vegetation index changes in each field during the growing season, you can spot problems with plant growth. If with a visit to your field you see that there is no problem neither with watering, nor with infection by pests and diseases, the problem may be due to fertilization and with a correction it can be solved.

With the gaiasense app you can identify potential problems in some part of your crop, from wherever you are.