4 December 2023
Soil and climate suitability

Can the gaiasense app help you choose the crop type for your field?

The ideal crop for your field

gaiasense uses climate data as well as soil map data that covers the largest percentage of arable land in Greece, to find the soil and climate suitability of your field.
The soil-climatic suitability shows to what extent the specific soil conditions that apply in your field, combined with the climatic conditions in the wider area, favor or hinder the development of a specific crop.
With more than 140 crops classified by soil and climate suitability, you can now know with clarity and precision which crops thrive in your field or which of your fields are suitable for specific crops.
The soil-climatic suitability of the gaiasense app can be used as a first indication of crop suitability. Especially if there is no previous experience of its performance in the specific area.
However, In no case can the indication replace good practices for assessing the suitability of a crop on a particular plot of land, which include the advice of an experienced agronomist.

With the gaiasense app you can choose the crop with the best productive yields for your own field.