14 November 2023
Work calendar

What do you get with the gaiasense app farming calendar?

Entry of tasks in a digital calendar

gaiasense and the gaiasense app enable you to keep a real-time digital log of all the work you do in the field. Irrigation, plant protection, fertilization, harvesting, cultivation practices and soil management, all are registered in an easy-to-use and simple way on mobile, through the application.
Thus, you have immediately, at any time, gathered all the cultivation operations, in each of your fields, in detail.

History of farming operations

You can enter the application from your mobile phone and refer to the history of your tasks, without any effort. Result? You can see at any time in which field you did which work, with specific details and arrange future activities accordingly.

Support in a cloud environment

All the files of the application are stored safely in a cloud infrastructure, so you are sure that there is no risk of losing either your calendar or your history from the gaiasense app.

Complete picture of your crop

The detailed recording of cultivation operations in the gaiasense calendar enables you to have a valid picture of your field and your crop at all times, quickly and easily. When and how much you watered and in which field, what kind of fertilizer you used, if you pruned, how much you harvested in each field and many other pieces of information will help you make better decisions about your production and save both time and money.

Greener production

Having a detailed view of the farming operations in your fields, you will be able to better and more rationally regulate fertilization, irrigation and crop protection – among other things. Consequently, you will manage to reduce costs and unnecessary losses in resources. Thus, you “green” your production and keep up with the requirements of the new CAP.

With the gaiasense app you can register your work in the field easily and simply, for each of your fields.