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The gaiasense mobile app is introduced to the producers of Heraklion Crete

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The presentation of NEUROPUBLIC’s innovative mobile application gaiasense mobile app was successfully completed on Wednesday 13 October at Kato Asites in Heraklion Prefecture under the auspices of NEUROPUBLIC and the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Heraklion. Several producers of the region attended the event to watch the educational activity, to use the application, based on the gaiasense smart farming system, on their mobile phones and to learn how it works. At the same time, they were informed about the benefits of the application and how it can change the way fields are managed, with a “click” on the mobile screen!

The gaiasense mobile app is an advanced, yet simple to use application, which can be used even by a farmer who has no familiarity with the latest technologies. In particular, the app allows one to obtain highly relevant information about one’s farm in a simple and understandable way, helping the producer to improve production both quantitatively and qualitatively, reduce environmental impact and, ultimately, create additional value in his agricultural products.

The agronomist of NEUROPUBLIC, Minas Pelekanos, in collaboration with members of the Heraklion Union, the Head of Subsidies Mr. Filippakis, the agronomists Mr. Damianakis and Mr. Foukarakis, as well as the local agronomist of the Agricultural Cooperative of Kato Asiton Mr. Kabitaki, were there to present the application, to talk to the attendees and to answer the questions of the producers.

Visitors of the 85th TIF are informed about gaiasense

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True to its annual appointment with the Thessaloniki International Fair, NEUROPUBLIC welcomed again this year the businessmen, the political world, the representatives of local government and the general public, from 11 to 19 September, in the first physical organization of the largest exhibition event in Greece since the pandemic.

With the central message “”Smart Farming is the farmer’s ally in the era of the Green Deal” and spearheaded by the gaiasense Smart Farming system, NEUROPUBLIC managed to make a great impression once again thanks to its specially designed space, which attracted a large number of people who wanted to learn how advanced technology can respond to the ever-increasing need for digitalisation and sustainable development.

In particular, visitors were interested in the brand new gaiasense mobile app, which is based on the technological and scientific infrastructure of gaiasense and brings smart farming to every farmer’s mobile phone, as well as the fully functional agro-meteorological station of gaiasense that was installed at the booth and transmitted real-time data from the atmosphere and soil on a projection screen.

NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense smart farming system on SKAI’s main newscast

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A tribute to the digitalization of the agri-food sector was the occasion for NEUROPUBLIC‘s gaiasense smart farming system to be featured on SKAI‘s main newscast.

Specifically, on Friday, September 17, the well-known TV station hosted in its evening broadcast, presented by journalist Sia Kosioni, an in-depth report on new technologies and the opportunities they give farmers to upgrade their production. In this context, Epaminondas Spanoulis from the Agricultural Cooperative of Thessalian Tomato Producers “THESTO” in Larissa, who is already using the gaiasense smart farming system in the cultivation of industrial tomatoes and has seen significant benefits, spoke to the camera and explained how the transition to smart farming has changed the way fields are managed.

Furthermore, the report also presented the new, innovative mobile application gaiasense app that brings smart farming literally in the hands of all those involved in agricultural production, helping them to save time and money and see their crops improve both in quantity and quality.

Presentation of gaiasense at the 2nd Panhellenic Congress for Cotton in Larissa

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The 2nd Panhellenic Congress for Cotton, organized by the Interprofessional Cotton Organization in cooperation with ELGO Demetra, under the auspices of the Ministry of Rural Development & Food, was successfully completed on 17 September in Larissa.

The aim of the Congress was to provide a platform for dialogue to all those related to cotton and to discuss key issues that concern the Greek cotton cultivation with the main purpose of developing a new development strategy and adding value to the product.

With topics such as quality, the European perspective of the product, the future of cotton through a sustainable development, the pests and diseases that threaten it, precision agriculture, the improvement of production systems to reduce environmental impact, the national strategy, modern cultivation methods, as well as the position of Greek cotton in international markets, the Congress was the ideal forum for the promotion of NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense smart farming system.

Specifically, during the Congress, Yannis Mavroudis, founding member and member of the Board of Directors of NEUROPUBLIC, presented gaiasense and the cotton growing areas where it is already applied, while he analyzed the results it brings to cotton farmers in terms of fertilization, irrigation and plant protection.

2ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο για το βαμβάκι στη Λάρισα

They also discussed the benefits of smart farming in Greek agricultural production and, especially, as far as cotton is concerned, how technology can help to increase the quantity, quality and competitiveness, given the great interest that seems to exist for certified Greek cotton from major brands abroad.

Gaiasense at the 85th Thessaloniki International Fair

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The visitors of the Thessaloniki International Fair will have the opportunity to see and learn more about the NEUROPUBLIC gaiasense smart farming system!

At Stand 9, in a special outdoor display area, near the Trade Gate (on Egnatia Street), NEUROPUBLIC will present the gaiasense mobile app based on the technological and scientific infrastructure of gaiasense and bring smart farming to every farmer’s mobile phone.

In the specially designed area of NEUROPUBLIC’s Stand 9, visitors to the exhibition will be able to browse the gaiasense mobile app, while a fully functional gaiasense agro-meteorological station will be installed and will transmit live data from the atmosphere and soil on a projection screen.

Finally, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the applications and capabilities of the innovative gaiasense by NEUROPUBLIC smart farming system, which contributes to the green and digital transformation of the Greek agricultural sector, allowing farmers to reap the benefits of smart farming and improve the competitiveness of their farms in a cost-effective and efficient way.

We are waiting for you from 11 to 19 September 2021 at Stand 9 of the 85th Thessaloniki International Fair!

Smart farming & gaiasense at the Pancretan Agri-Food Exhibition in Arkalochori

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Smart farming and its contribution to the development of the countryside were at the heart of the Pancretan Agri-Food Exhibition of Arkalochori, which took place from 1 to 5 September at the exhibition centre of the Municipality of Minoa Pediadas.

The exhibition, which has emerged as the most important agricultural forum in Southern Greece, presented the latest innovations in the agri-food sector, while during the exhibition, the Chamber of Crete, the Region of Crete and the newspaper Ypethros Chora organized a symposium on “The positions of young farmers for rural development” under the auspices of the Association of Importers of Machinery Dealers (AIM) and the Ministry of Rural Development & Food.

During the evening event, there was also a presentation on NEUROPUBLIC’s smart farming system gaiasense, titled “gaiasense: Smart farming for everyone,” delivered by Mr. Minas Pelekanos, an agronomist with an MSc. The presentation covered the capabilities and opportunities offered by the innovative gaiasense tool, even for small-scale farmers, who make up the majority of the agricultural sector in Greece, allowing every farmer to benefit from smart farming.

The presentation was particularly successful, as there was significant interest from the attendees in the innovative gaiasense system. The attendees asked questions related to its applications and how it can become an ally for farmers in optimizing agricultural production through smart farming advice

Presentation of gaiasense at the LIVINGAGRO Brokerage Event 2021

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The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh) organized a series of online meetings from July 20-22, featuring 15-minute presentations and Business 2 Business (B2B) meetings to showcase innovations in the fields of olive cultivation and pastures to productive entities, cooperatives, agricultural businesses, olive growers, and olive mills seeking solutions to the challenges they face.

The aim of the meetings was to inform and facilitate interaction between the entities producing the innovations and those who could potentially use them, to establish new contacts, and to provide information on innovative ideas, tools, and services.

The gaiasense smart farming system was one of the innovations presented during the event, with a focus on olive cultivation. Specifically, Vasilis Protonotarios, Head of Outreach and Networking at NEUROPUBLIC, in two 15-minute presentations, discussed the innovative gaiasense smart farming system and the gaiasense mobile app for smartphones.

The first presentation focused on the innovation of the gaiasense smart farming system, referencing the concept of smart farming, the benefits it brings to producers and the environment, the role of data and technology in the gaiasense system, and the measurable benefits that olive growers gain from gaiasense.

During the second presentation, various functions of the app were presented, including an explanation of the parameters displayed by the app, such as the NDVI index, growing degree days, chill hours, and reference evapotranspiration. Differences between the gaiasense1 (informational) package, which is already available, and the gaiasense2 (advisory) package, which will be available soon, were also discussed.

We would like to thank the organizers of the event for giving us the opportunity to present the innovation of the gaiasense smart farming system, Ms. Lisa Radinovsky, and our partners from Yanni’s Olive Grove for their excellent communication.


Online Innovation Talks and One-on-One Meetings with Innovators (B2B Meetings) in the Fields of Olive Cultivation and Pastures

As part of the talks by Greek innovators, researchers, and entrepreneurs/private entities, presentations were conducted in Greek, covering a wide range of innovations related to the following topics:

  • Intercropping in olive groves
  • Precision agriculture
  • Machinery
  • Determination of health benefits
  • Identification of olive and olive oil variety origin
  • Climate change preparedness
  • Reuse of traditional agroforestry management practices

Information on each innovation is detailed in Greek in the event agenda ( Participants were encouraged to schedule private meetings directly with the innovators through the Praxis network platform by clicking “request meeting” on the profile of the interested innovator. This allowed them to ask specific questions and learn more about the innovations.

For more information on the innovations in English, visit the link:

The meeting was organized by the Department of Genetics & Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops and was held as part of the implementation of the LIVINGAGRO ENI CBC Med program, which is co-financed by the European Union (90%) and National Funds (10%). For more information, interested parties can contact the project coordinator for Greece, Dr. Panagiotis Kalaitzis, Coordinator of Studies & Research, Department of Genetics & Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops, at [email protected], or by phone at 28210-35030.

Innovations Presented

Intercropping in Olive Groves

Precision Agriculture


Health Benefit Determination

  • Innovation 10: The Olive Predictor – Prokopios Magiatis, Department of Pharmacognosy and Chemistry of Natural Products, Faculty of Pharmacy, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Identification of Olive and Olive Oil Variety Origin

Climate Change Preparedness

Reuse of Traditional Agroforestry Management Practices


“LIVINGAGRO – Cross Border Living Laboratories for Agroforestry” is a project co-financed by the European Union (90%) and National Funds (10%), dedicated to bringing together innovators and interested parties for mutually beneficial collaborations based on “living labs” concerning the multifunctional olive system and pastures. These “living labs” involve closer collaboration between researchers and economic stakeholders, including Greek olive growers, livestock breeders, and other interested parties in the olive and agroforestry sector.

What Do LIVINGAGRO Partners Do?

Instead of simply conducting research in isolated labs, researchers ask farmers, company representatives, policymakers, and other stakeholders for information on the types of problems they need to solve and the most applicable solutions.

The LIVINGAGRO team members analyzed requests from many stakeholders related to olives, olive oil, and agroforestry to identify their needs. Many respondents indicated a desire to increase product quality, improve plant health and/or soil fertility, reduce production costs, increase the quantity produced, and reduce the use of chemicals.

Gaiasense at the 4th Pan-Cypriot Dairy, Agriculture, and Livestock Congress”

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Gaiasense was presented at the 4th Pancyprian Dairy, Agriculture, and Livestock Congress, which took place on Tuesday, July 6th in Nicosia, Cyprus.

Fotis Chatzipapadopoulos, head of gaiasense and smart farming services at NEUROPUBLIC, was among the invited speakers. In his speech titled “gaiasense – smart farming for everyone,” he discussed the gaiasense smart farming system as an innovation that enables all farmers, including small-scale growers, to benefit from smart farming in an economical and effective manner.

The presentation covered how gaiasense operates, the benefits for producers and the environment from smart farming services and provided information on the application of gaiasense services in potato cultivation in Cyprus.

Regarding the Pancyprian Dairy, Agriculture, and Livestock Congress:

The Pancyprian Dairy, Agriculture, and Livestock Congress is a meeting dedicated to the dairy production, agriculture, livestock farming, and processing of livestock products sectors and their representatives in Cyprus. It constitutes a significant part of the Cypriot economy with great potential for development and improvement, provided it is approached with seriousness and appropriate means. Participants discuss and stay informed about all developments, prospects, and new techniques in their respective sectors.

The congress is part of the “CAPturing the Future Generation” project, which focuses on promoting entrepreneurship among the new generation in the agricultural sector, aiming to inform both youth and the general population about the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union.