8 February 2023
Closing of the 12th Zootechnia – Successful participation of NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense

Farmers, executives from major companies in the livestock and poultry industry, as well as representatives of local government and the political scene, attended the 12th International Livestock and Poultry Exhibition, Zootechnia, between 2-5 February.

Present at the four-day exhibition event was NEUROPUBLIC, which attracted the interest of visitors seeking high-tech services and products that put the term “smart farming and livestock production” into practice.

In this context, the Piraeus-based Greek Technology & IT company presented its integrated solutions for agri-food, as well as its specialized production management systems that aim to help the farmer to modernize, upgrade and, ultimately, manage better and more rationally his agricultural and/or livestock farm.

NEUROPUBLIC’s participation was considered a great success both by the visitors and the other exhibitors of Zootechnia and by the company itself, especially in terms of the awareness of the gaiasense smart farming system and the information about the advantages of smart farming and animal production in the Greek countryside.

In fact, the visitors of the exhibition who visited the NEUROPUBLIC booth were informed about the latest additions and upgrades to gaiasense, the most comprehensive and reliable smart farming system in Greece. Specifically, the new addition to the gaiasense mobile app, work calendar, was analyzed, which provides the user with the possibility to have a digital record of all his field work, in order to have a complete, immediate and valid picture of his cultivation.

At the same time, the agricultural world was also informed about the possibility for each user to manually register his/her parcels of land, drawing his/her fields on the map, easily through the mobile phone. What does this mean? That things become even simpler and more direct, since gaiasense can now be successfully used by anyone, on any farm, regardless of size and crop. So everyone wins!

Once again, Zootechnia has marked developments in a very dynamic field of primary production, setting the stage to accelerate investment and the implementation of modernisation actions in the livestock-farming sector. The presence of NEUROPUBLIC, in turn, confirmed the importance of the exhibition at a particularly critical period for the sector and gave the trigger for the beginning of a new, digital era.