16 November 2023
The gaiasense app in the list of the most popular mobile apps

Just before the end of this anniversary year, NEUROPUBLIC has another reason to celebrate. After the latest successes achieved by undertaking important public interest projects in the agri-food sector, as well as the recent conclusion of dynamic partnerships, the IT and Technology company with its 20-year creative path and headquarters in Piraeus, proves that high expertise, passion and dedication to innovation are rewarded.

This time, the recognition comes from the users of its own products and services, who highlighted the innovative smartphone app, gaiasense app, among the top public choices in both the Apple App Store and the Play Store for Android smartphones.

In fact, the gaiasense app, which brings the future of agricultural production into the hands of the farmer and allows him to earn more with less, is currently among the top 35 apps for iOS phones, ranking 31st, and among the top 10 apps for Android devices, ranking 9th!

NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense app helps to improve the quality and quantity of agricultural production, reduce the use of pesticides, fertilizers and irrigation water, reducing the impact of the production process on natural resources and climate, and – last but not least – the cost of production. At the same time, it helps to effectively address the risks that threaten production, ensures its stability and adds value to agricultural products, enhancing their safety, quality and negative carbon footprint.

Thanks to all these features, the gaiasense app is a valuable ally for the farmer’s support under the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2023-2027, supporting producers who implement environmentally and climate-friendly practices.