17 January 2022
Gaiasense at the hybrid event of the LIVINGAGRO project

Between 16-17 December 2021, innovators and scientists presented 19 innovations designed to help solve common problems facing the olive, olive oil and livestock sectors in Greece. Dozens of participants joined the event online or physically at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (” MAICH”) as part of this LIVINGAGRO event, with several of them also participating in meetings with the stakeholders.

Coordinated by Dr Panagiotis Kalaitzis, Director of the Department of Agricultural Genetics and Biotechnology of MAICH, this hybrid event was part of the LIVINGAGRO – Cross Border Living Laboratories for Agroforestry project funded by the ENI CBC Med Programme 2014-2020.

More than 130 people registered for this second LIVINGAGRO B2B event, with the majority participating online.

The speakers presented 19 innovations related to 5 main categories:

  1. Re-Using Traditional Practices in Agroforestry
  2. Intercropping and Preparing for Climate Change in Olive Groves
  3. Precision Agriculture
  4. Olive Mill Machinery and Health Benefits
  5. Olive Tree and Olive Oil Authentication

NEUROPUBLIC’s smart farming gaiasense system and the European LIFE GAIA Sense project based on gaiasense and coordinated by NEUROPUBLIC were presented at the event by Vassilis Pyrgiotis, Senior Project Manager of NEUROPUBLIC.

Mr. Pyrgiotis, who was physically present at the event, presented the innovative gaiasense smart farming system and discussed its applications in the olive cultivation sector in Greece and abroad with participants of the event, while he also answered questions from the participants. He also had the opportunity to talk to stakeholders about gaiasense in the context of meetings.

The descriptions of the 19 innovations are available in the List of Innovations available in Greek and English.

You can find more information on the gaiasense Smart Farming system on pages 29 and 26 respectively.