11 January 2024
Vegetation Index (NDVI)

By looking at the satellite images and the data from the Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and watching how it changes in each plot during the growing season, the farmer can identify problems in plant growth.
In other words, he can quickly and simply understand if something is wrong with a part of the crop so that an on-site inspection can be planned in time, and also to determine the presence of weeds during the period when the fields sown with annual crops are uncultivated.

The satellite takes a new image every 5 days. With these satellite images and the vegetation index, one can easily and quickly see how “lively” one’s field is. Thus: the greener the colour in the satellite image, the more the index value increases and approaches 1. The more yellow and towards brown the colour, the smaller the value of the indicator and the closer to 0.

Therefore, if any variation in colour is observed in more than one image during the growing season, then there is likely to be a problem and it is worth an on-site inspection.