9 March 2022
Informative event on smart farming in Aegina

NEUROPUBLIC, faithful to its commitment to support farmers in their effort to move towards the new digital reality and the better management of their crops, is organizing an informative workshop on Sunday, March 13, at 11:00-14:00 at the Kypseli Cultural Centre, in Aegina, Greece.

The event will be held in collaboration with the Agricultural Association of Aegina and will focus on smart farming, and how its implementation on farms reduces costs and unnecessary loss of resources, how it minimises the impact of farming on the environment, and, ultimately, how it helps farmers make better decisions about their production.

At the same time, NEUROPUBLIC’s innovative gaiasense system will be presented, which helps the producer – in this case, the pistachio grower – to deal effectively with the risks that threaten his crop and achieve higher crop production and better quality at reduced costs.