15 February 2022
Invitation to an informative workshop in the Municipality of Mires

The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the transition to a sustainable food system that will bring environmental, health and social benefits, smart farming and the response to the challenge of green and digital transformation of agricultural production, as well as NEUROPUBLIC’s pioneering gaiasense smart farming system, will be on the agenda of a workshop that will take place on Friday 18 February 2022.

The event, which will have a clearly informative character, is organized by NEUROPUBLIC in cooperation with the Agricultural Cooperative of Messara at the Polycentre of the Municipality of Mires and will focus on urgent issues concerning the modern farmer:

  • What changes for the producer with the implementation of the new CAP?
  • What does competitive sustainability and digitalisation mean?
  • How can modern technologies help farmers make better decisions about their fields and crops?
  • What is smart farming and why is it so important under the EU and the new CAP?
  • What are the advantages of the gaiasense system and what is the benefit for the farmer?

At the same time, a broad discussion will be held on the directions that Greek primary production should follow in order to become more competitive and, at the same time, more profitable for the farmer, as well as how the transition of the Greek agricultural sector will take place in the future.

Admission to the event will be free and all necessary measures will be taken to protect the participants against COVID-19.

Informative workshop on the new CAP and the gaiasense Smart Farming System: Friday 18 February, 18:30 p.m., Municipality of Phaistos Polycentre in Moires.