13 July 2023
NEUROPUBLIC supports for once more the Panhellenic Congress for the Development of Greek Agriculture


The Panhellenic Congress for the Development of Greek Agriculture, organized for the 9th year by GAIA EPICHEIREIN, is in the finishing line, as the event-institution for the primary and wider agri-food sector of our country will take place on Monday, July 17, 2023 at the gaiasense HUB building in Piraeus, and will be broadcast online.

With the main theme “Greek agriculture towards 2030: winning the sustainability bet with the assistance of the CAP”, the 9th Congress will focus on strengthening the sustainability and resilience of European and Greek agriculture in the face of the major challenges of climate change and geopolitical shocks, but also on the need to produce more – and better – with less through the green and digital transition of the production process.

The 2030 milestone is particularly important in this direction, as it is a deadline for achieving the targets set by the farm-to-table and biodiversity strategies, as well as the EU’s climate target to reduce emissions within its borders by at least 55% compared to 1990 levels. Legislation serving these ambitious objectives, some of which is already underway, is foreseen to be gradually integrated into the CAP National Strategic Plans, radically changing the production profile of European and Greek agriculture.

In this context, the 9th Congress will be the starting point for an in-depth debate on the current global, EU and national climate-related challenges affecting the agricultural sector, the relevant CAP instruments, as well as national strategic options and best practices from EU Member States.

Ally, as always, in the effort for correct and responsible information of farmers, NEUROPUBLIC supports again the most important event for the information of the agricultural world and the promotion of dialogue for its future. Thus, the company is again this year a major sponsor of the 9th Panhellenic Congress for the Development of Greek Agriculture.

In fact, NEUROPUBLIC’s Executive Director, Ioannis Mavroudis, will speak on innovative consulting services for the green and digital transition of the agri-food sector. At the “heart” of his speech will be, of course, the gaiasense smart farming system that brings high technology to every field and helps farmers to improve their production both quantitatively and qualitatively, reduce environmental impact and, ultimately, create added value in their products.

The Panhellenic Congress for the Development of Greek Agriculture will also be broadcast live via a digital platform, which you can register for free using the following link: 9th Panhellenic Congress for the Development of Greek Agriculture (eventora.com)