17 May 2022
NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense at the European Skills Week event

For the second consecutive year, the educational organization AKMI participates in the European Skills Week, which runs from 16 to 20 May 2022 and, this time, has as its theme “Green Development”.

In this context, NEUROPUBLIC will be present at a relevant event on Friday, May 20, at the main auditorium of the Training Centre (16, Codrigtonos). Specifically, the Sales & Training Support Executive of the company, Minas Pelekanos, will speak, in the presence of 100 students of Economics & Management, about climate change and environmental degradation, but also about the role of digitalization and -mainly- smart farming in the green transformation of the agricultural sector, within and outside the borders.

The protagonist of the presentation will, of course, be the innovative gaiasense smart farming system, which aims to put advanced technologies at the service of the producer to ensure food security while enhancing the reduction of the environmental and climate footprint of the food system, thus contributing to the transition towards competitive sustainability.