19 September 2021
NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense smart farming system on SKAI’s main newscast

A tribute to the digitalization of the agri-food sector was the occasion for NEUROPUBLIC‘s gaiasense smart farming system to be featured on SKAI‘s main newscast.

Specifically, on Friday, September 17, the well-known TV station hosted in its evening broadcast, presented by journalist Sia Kosioni, an in-depth report on new technologies and the opportunities they give farmers to upgrade their production. In this context, Epaminondas Spanoulis from the Agricultural Cooperative of Thessalian Tomato Producers “THESTO” in Larissa, who is already using the gaiasense smart farming system in the cultivation of industrial tomatoes and has seen significant benefits, spoke to the camera and explained how the transition to smart farming has changed the way fields are managed.

Furthermore, the report also presented the new, innovative mobile application gaiasense app that brings smart farming literally in the hands of all those involved in agricultural production, helping them to save time and money and see their crops improve both in quantity and quality.