12 July 2023
Now, green aid is at the farmer’s fingertips with the gaiasense app!

Climate change and environmental degradation are serious concernσ for the EU and the new CAP 2023-2027, which has set specific “green” targets.

In this context, it proposes a new support scheme for producers, the “Eco-schemes”, which will replace the “greening” scheme known from the previous programming period.


What are the Ecological Programmes

In order to receive extra “green” support, a producer must apply environmentally and climate-friendly practices on his/her field. These practices are specific and are described in the national CAP Strategic Plan and the relevant Ministerial Decisions as “Eco-Programmes”. Each producer has the possibility to choose among the available practices – Eco-Programmes in order to be eligible for this additional “green” support.

By selecting the gaiasense app when submitting his/her declaration for the EAE to the APCs cooperating with GAIA EPICHEIREIN, the producer:

  • They take the first mandatory step to securely join the Eco-Scheme 6 by acquiring an easy-to-use and reliable digital application for the use of which they receive a subsidy.
  • It also secures the second mandatory step for its eligibility for Eco-Scheme 6, as it gains the possibility to have the required Environmental Management Plan (EMP) prepared by a qualified agricultural consultant. And that is why it is subsidised!
  • It creates the conditions to easily and successfully integrate and implement at least one (1) and up to two (2) practices/actions in the field for which significant support is foreseen.
  • Gain access to additional useful digital services for their crops, i.e. beyond those necessary for their eligibility/subsidy under the Ecological Scheme 6 (weather forecast, satellite imagery, water indicators, spray suitability, etc.). For all, it has ongoing technical support from an experienced team.
  • They have a digital application in their hands, which opens the door for other CAP 2023-2027 schemes/measures, such as, for example, agricultural advice, which now foresee the use of such digital applications.

So, thanks to the gaiasense app, every producer gets:

  • A calendar of cultivation work that helps them to record in detail all the work in the field, for each plot separately, through the mobile phone. This way, they have all the tasks at his disposal immediately, at any time, while they get a complete picture of their cultivation and make better decisions for their production.
  • Daily information on the development of each crop. So, they don’t have to go to the field all the time and that way they save time and money.
  • Quick checkup in the field, from a distance, to see if something is not going well and intervene accordingly.
  • Information on when it is the right time to spray and water crops. This avoids unnecessary waste of water and pesticides.
  • Five-day weather forecast, specific to the area where each field is located, and warnings of extreme weather events 48 hours before they occur.

And they win:

  • Reducing the use of pesticides, fertilizers and irrigation water.
  • Addressing crop risks more effectively.
  • Improving production both quantitatively and qualitatively. This adds value to agricultural products and makes them more competitive.
  • ” Greening ” their production in order to comply with the requirements of the new CAP.
  • Significantly reducing production costs.


Learn more about the Eco-Scheme 6, HERE