25 July 2022
Participation of the gaiasense system in the Earth Festival

Between 20-24 July 2022, a great number of people visited Chania and, more specifically, the West Trench of the city, in order to attend the Earth Festival, the renewed and upgraded version of the “Rural August” events that have already been running for 23 years.

Among the dynamic companies focused on the development and transformation of the agri-food sector that wanted to boost their presence in the local market, was NEUROPUBLIC’s smart farming system gaiasense, which was present with its own booth.

The interest of the visitors was, of course, piqued by the innovative gaiasense app, based on the technological and scientific infrastructure of gaiasense, which brings smart farming to every farmer’s mobile phone with a “click”. In particular, the farmers who visited the gaiasense stand learned more about the app’s gaiasense1 service package that enables them to keep a digital diary, in real time, of all their field work. Irrigation, plant protection, fertilization, harvesting, crop care and soil management are all entered in an easy-to-use and user-friendly way on mobile, through the app.

At the same time, gaiasense1 helps farmers to reduce the use of pesticides, fertilizers and irrigation water, to effectively address the risks that threaten their crops, to improve their production both in quantity and quality, to reduce their environmental impact and, ultimately, to add value to their agricultural products.

It is worth noting that according to research in different soil and climatic conditions in Greece and abroad, as well as in a variety of crops, gaiasense, helps reduce irrigation costs between 20.23-33.76%, 21.89%-40.84% in fertilization costs, while a 33.72% reduction in pesticide costs was also observed.