19 March 2021
Presentation of gaiasense at the Final Event of the Internet of Food and Farm 2020

The European Internet of Food and Farm 2020 – IoF2020 project held its last event between 16 and 18 March 2021. Shortly before the end of the project, the event was an opportunity to present the results of it and to exchange views and experiences between project stakeholders and participants through an interactive online event.

Among the participants was NEUROPUBLIC, as coordinator of Use Case 1.6 “Data-Driven Potato Production” or IoT4Potato, which aimed to support potato cultivation with services based on Internet of Things (IoT) technologies with Earth Observation data. More specifically, the action developed gaiasense-based smart farming technology tools and services, which aimed to reduce production costs, improve quality and reduce the environmental footprint of potato production in Cyprus, Poland and Ukraine.

Nikos Kalatzis, Project Management Manager of NEUROPUBLIC and coordinator of IoT4Potato was among the invited speakers and presented the results of this action. Starting from the presentation of the gaiasense smart farming system, Mr. Kalatzis focused on how gaiasense was applied to potato cultivation in the three countries covered by this action.

The presentation covered aspects such as the installation of the data recording system in the three countries, the development of the specialised application to visualise this data and the irrigation and crop protection models in each case.

The presentation concluded with a report on the objectives achieved in the framework of IoT4Potato and the challenges that had to be addressed or will have to be addressed in the future regarding the application in other areas of the smart farming solutions developed in the framework of the project.