11 November 2021
Presentation of gaiasense for cotton cultivation in Karditsa

On Tuesday 9 November, an informative event on the gaiasense smart farming system and its application in cotton cultivation was held in Karditsa.

The event was attended by the Commercial Director of NEUROPUBLIC George Papadimas, the company’s agronomists Minas Pelekanos and Andreas Siregelas as well as Dr. Mohamed Darausse, Head of the National Centre for Quality Control, Cotton Classification and Standardization

During the event, a detailed presentation of the gaiasense smart farming system was given, with reference to the 4 different data sources and the role of the data and scientific models in providing an accurate advice on irrigation, fertilization and plant protection for each crop supported by gaiasense.

Of particular interest was the presentation of the application of gaiasense in a cotton crop in the region of Karditsa, with the presentation of the methodology for recording and collecting data from the region that are used to provide advice on irrigation, fertilization and plant protection of the crop, as well as for the early warning of the cooperating producer both for extreme weather events and for the detailed weather forecast for each field.

Participants also had the opportunity to learn about the gaiasense mobile app, gaiasense’s application for smart phones, and the information they can receive through the app.

The event concluded with a discussion among the participants, during which questions from the audience were answered, more information about gaiasense was provided, and the gaiasense2 and gaiasense3 packages were mentioned.

You can watch the video of the event here.