14 March 2022
PRESS RELEASE – Successful gaiasense workshop in Aegina

On Sunday, March 13, an event organized in Aegina by the Agricultural Association of Aegina in collaboration with NEUROPUBLIC was successfully completed.

The members of the Association who are involved in the cultivation of pistachio responded positively to the invitation for the informative workshop and filled the Kypseli Cultural Centre on the island. Similarly, from the side of NEUROPUBLIC were present the Commercial Director George Papadimas and the Agronomist Evangelia Tourkochoriti, who informed the attendees about the new technologies and the future of agricultural production.

The topics of the event were focused on two axes: the implementation and benefits of smart farming, and NEUROPUBLIC’s innovative gaiasense smart farming system and how it can help the producer in the demanding pistachio cultivation.

Specifically, during the workshop, measurements and data from the use of the gaiasense system were analyzed, while the audience gained a more specialized insight into what exactly it is and how much it can, in cooperation with the innovative gaiasense mobile app, benefit – quantitatively and qualitatively – agricultural production and, in particular, the production of PDO Aegina pistachio.

The workshop concluded with questions from the farmers, who showed that they are keen for information, innovation and anything that could make their daily life easier and their production more efficient.