Tag: Smart Farming

NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense supports the Terra Creta Olive Academy

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A pioneering project for the Greek olive growing industry took place on Friday 10 March with the official establishment of the Terra Creta Olive Academy at the Terra Creta premises in Kolymbari, Chania, Crete. The ceremony was attended by Nikos Kalogeris, Deputy Regional Governor of Chania, Yannis Malandrakis, Mayor of Platanias, Antonis Rokakis, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Chania, Panagiotis Hatzinikolaou, CEO of ELGO Demetra, as well as a number of partners and producers.

The Terra Creta Olive Academy, which is a member of the MELISSA KIKIZAS group, marks the evolution of the “Producers’ Group” that Terra Creta has been creating for years and is now organized according to the standards of the Melissa Kikiza Wheat Academy, which has been operating since 2012.

The goal of the Terra Creta Olive Academy is to upgrade olive production through the provision of theoretical and practical knowledge to farmers, as well as through the use of integrated digital crop monitoring and smart farming agricultural warning systems – specifically, the NEUROPUBLIC gaiasense system, which is now being implemented on 1,400 acres producing the award-winning olive oil.


Great emphasis will be placed on the use of good agricultural practices that aim to reduce the environmental footprint of the crop, while the company’s agronomists will be constantly present next to the producers in order to offer personalized advice on the spot.

The Terra Creta Olive Academy also offers its member producers a Contract Farming Program, providing them with, among other things, a minimum guaranteed price to ensure the sustainability of the crop even in difficult years, as well as a price bonus for the production of high quality olive oil.

The CEO of MELISSA KIKIZAS, Mr. Alexandros Kikizas, said, “We are proud to announce today the establishment of the Terra Creta Olive Academy! We would like to thank the farmers and educational institutions that have so warmly embraced this new venture. Our common love for this blessed fruit unites everyone involved in this project. Our vision is to contribute to the quality and quantity upgrading of the production of Greek extra virgin olive oil, in order to achieve the position it deserves on the international map“.

It is worth noting that NEUROPUBLIC will actively participate in the training of the Academy members on issues related to intelligent agriculture and its application in olive cultivation.

Presentation of gaiasense at the Verde.tec exhibition

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The 5th edition of Verde.tec, the exhibition that aspires to become the ultimate meeting point in Greece for environmental technologies, the circular economy and “smart” cities, was successfully completed on 19 March 2023 at MEC Peania.

With more exhibitors and a richer programme of events, this year’s Verde.tec brought together for three days some of the most dynamic companies in our country – and not only – that have put knowledge and innovation at the service of the environment, while showcasing the technologies that are leading the effort to protect it. The aim is to exchange scientific information and know-how, as well as to highlight innovative products and services, through workshops and seminars and with the participation of the business world, municipalities and regions, scientific bodies and educational institutions.

In the framework of the parallel events of the exhibition, on Saturday 18 March, Vassilis Pyrgiotis, Head of Co-funded Projects of NEUROPUBLIC, presented the innovative system of smart farming gaiasense and, more specifically, its application in the EU co-funded project LIFE GAIA Sense.

The LIFE GAIA Sense project, which was completed a few months ago, involved the application of smart farming in 18 regions in Greece, Spain and Portugal and in nine types of crops and aimed, among other things, to reduce the impact of agricultural production on natural resources and to protect the environment, while at the same time supporting circular economy models. Indeed, the project and its results highlighted the importance of digital transformation of agricultural production in order to ensure productivity and quality, enhance competitiveness and reduce climate and environmental impacts.

It is worth noting that the exhibition was held with the support of the European Parliament’s office in Athens and was under the auspices of 34 Ministries and Agencies.

gaiasense will be present at the AgroThessaly 2023 exhibition

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The new data for agriculture and livestock farming, as well as the products of Greek and global agro-livestock production will be the focus of the Panhellenic Exhibition for Agriculture and Livestock AgroThessaly, which, after being postponed due to the tragedy in Tempi, will finally take place between 9-12 March 2023 at the Covered Market of Neapolis Larissa.

With the support of TIF-HELEXPO and the Municipality of Larissa, the 13th edition of AgroThessaly aims to inform about developments in technology, but also to become a point of commercial contacts and networking for both specialized trade visitors and the general public, while it will host interesting informative workshops and events for agricultural entrepreneurship.

NEUROPUBLIC, the pioneering Greek company in the field of smart farming, will also be present at the event. Leading the way with the integrated system gaiasense and the gaiasense mobile app that provide significant reduction in production costs and substantial improvement in the quantity and quality of products, NEUROPUBLIC executives will inform the public on how advanced technology and, in particular, smart farming, can meet the increased demands of producers and become their No.1 ally in the green and digital transformation of agricultural production in our country.

It is worth noting that AgroThessaly was last organised in 2019 and returns this year, after the pandemic, more dynamic and comprehensive than ever.

Dynamic presence of gaiasense at the 3rd Panhellenic Congress for Cotton

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With significant participation from the world of cotton farming and not only completed on Wednesday 15 February 2023 in Komotini the 3rd Panhellenic Congress for Cotton organized by the Interprofessional Organization of Cotton in cooperation with ELGO Demetra and under the auspices of the Ministry of Rural Development & Food and the support of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace and the Municipality of Komotini.

With a rich agenda that highlighted issues such as the competitiveness of farms, the EU Green Deal and the new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), climate change and its impact on cotton farming, the prospects of the ginned cotton market, and the role of digitalization and smart farming in the present and future of the sector, the Congress was once again a great forum for the promotion of the Greek primary sector and the challenges it faces.

NEUROPUBLIC was also present at the Congress, with the presence of Ioannis Mavroudis, Business Strategy & Extroversion Consultant of the company, who participated in the session “Precision Agriculture, Quality and Product Identity – IOB Educational and Research Program”. Specifically, Mr. Mavroudis presented the gaiasense system and analyzed the advantages of applying smart farming on cotton, with particular emphasis on the results it brings to producers in terms of fertilization, irrigation and plant protection.

He also discussed how the technology of gaiasense can help the farmer to effectively address the risks that threaten his crop, improve his production both in quantity and quality, minimize the impact of cotton farming on natural resources and, ultimately, add value to his products, both within and outside the national borders.

“The deviation from the advice provided by the gaiasense smart farming system imposes an average burden of +4.21€ per acre on producers. For example, cotton farmers spend 21% more money on fertilization than they would have spent if they had followed the advice,” concluded Mr. Mavroudis, demonstrating the urgent need for the immediate implementation of smart farming in the field, especially in the face of the challenge of climate change and the ever-increasing costs affecting the primary sector.

The 3rd Panhellenic Congress on Cotton was also attended by representatives of the political leadership, institutional bodies, entrepreneurs and the majority of the cotton growing and processing industry.

gaiasense meets cotton farmers at the 3rd Panhellenic Congress for Cotton

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The 3rd Panhellenic Congress for Cotton will be held on Wednesday 15 February in Komotini, organized by the Interprofessional Organization of Cotton – IOC in cooperation with ELGO DEMETRA.

The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for dialogue and reflection to all those involved in cotton, as well as to inform about the prospects of the sector, the challenges it faces, with the most basic being climate change and its impact on cotton cultivation, the competitiveness of Greek farms, and the need for the digital transformation of cotton production as a guarantee for its future.

During the conference, representatives of the political leadership, institutional bodies, representatives of institutions and agricultural cooperatives, producers and executives of the business world will exchange ideas and proposals, approach key issues that concern Greek cotton cultivation and analyse its dynamics, with the ultimate aim of developing a specific strategic planning for the product.

In this context, Ioannis Mavroudis, Business Strategy & Extroversion Consultant of NEUROPUBLIC will participate in the section “Precision Agriculture, Quality and Product Identity – IOC Educational and Research Programme” of the Conference, where he will speak about ” Smart Farming in Cotton”. In particular, Mr. Mavroudis will analyse the advantages of the gaiasense system and explain how it utilises modern technologies and scientific knowledge in such a way that it helps farmers to make better and timely decisions about their crops and production, creating significant economic and environmental benefits.

It is worth noting that the Congress is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and with the support of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace and the Municipality of Komotini.

Register your participation, HERE

Closing of the 12th Zootechnia – Successful participation of NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense

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Farmers, executives from major companies in the livestock and poultry industry, as well as representatives of local government and the political scene, attended the 12th International Livestock and Poultry Exhibition, Zootechnia, between 2-5 February.

Present at the four-day exhibition event was NEUROPUBLIC, which attracted the interest of visitors seeking high-tech services and products that put the term “smart farming and livestock production” into practice.

In this context, the Piraeus-based Greek Technology & IT company presented its integrated solutions for agri-food, as well as its specialized production management systems that aim to help the farmer to modernize, upgrade and, ultimately, manage better and more rationally his agricultural and/or livestock farm.

NEUROPUBLIC’s participation was considered a great success both by the visitors and the other exhibitors of Zootechnia and by the company itself, especially in terms of the awareness of the gaiasense smart farming system and the information about the advantages of smart farming and animal production in the Greek countryside.

In fact, the visitors of the exhibition who visited the NEUROPUBLIC booth were informed about the latest additions and upgrades to gaiasense, the most comprehensive and reliable smart farming system in Greece. Specifically, the new addition to the gaiasense mobile app, work calendar, was analyzed, which provides the user with the possibility to have a digital record of all his field work, in order to have a complete, immediate and valid picture of his cultivation.

At the same time, the agricultural world was also informed about the possibility for each user to manually register his/her parcels of land, drawing his/her fields on the map, easily through the mobile phone. What does this mean? That things become even simpler and more direct, since gaiasense can now be successfully used by anyone, on any farm, regardless of size and crop. So everyone wins!

Once again, Zootechnia has marked developments in a very dynamic field of primary production, setting the stage to accelerate investment and the implementation of modernisation actions in the livestock-farming sector. The presence of NEUROPUBLIC, in turn, confirmed the importance of the exhibition at a particularly critical period for the sector and gave the trigger for the beginning of a new, digital era.

gaiasense at the 12th Zootechnia International Fair

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One of the largest exhibition events of the primary sector in South East. Europe, the 12th Zootechnia International Livestock and Poultry Exhibition, returns after the pandemic and will take place between 2-5 February 2023 at the Helexpo International Exhibition Centre in Thessaloniki.

Zootechnia is the only specialized event in the field of livestock production in Greece and the Balkans, and is a reference point for all new developments in livestock and poultry farming. At the same time, it offers the ideal field for holding commercial meetings and concluding profitable agreements, while it gives the opportunity to major companies in the sector to inform visitors about all the possibilities for modernization and upgrading of their production.

Responding actively to the efforts of farmers to cope with the challenges of the times and to move towards better management of their production, NEUROPUBLIC will be present at Zootechnia at Booth 8 / Stand 4.

With an emphasis on the reconstitution and sustainable development of the agri-food sector, NEUROPUBLIC will present at the exhibition all its innovative services and solutions for the farmer, such as gaiasense and the gaiasense mobile app that bring high technology close to every producer. Besides, smart farming and livestock production plays a central role in the company’s essential proposals for strengthening the primary sector, since it not only answers the need for the green and digital transformation of the countryside and the economy, but also makes a catalytic contribution to achieving the objectives of the European Green Deal and the new CAP.

In fact, NEUROPUBLIC’s integrated smart farming systems provide the ability to meet the requirements arising from the daily management of a farm – from timely and accurate forecasting of weather and extreme weather events to better and more efficient fertilization and irrigation, and the recording of farming operations in a digital diary. The result is the reliable drawing of conclusions about the progress of the farm and the making of the best decisions in order to optimise the economic result for the producer.

NEUROPUBLIC’s intention is for Zootechnia to be a trigger for Greek farmers to take the step towards the 21st century and the new digital reality.

An event for olive production in Nea Moudania

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The special informative event organized by NEUROPUBLIC and GAIA EPICHEINEIN on Saturday, December 10, at the theatre of New Moudania, was successfully held with the strong participation of olive growers from the prefecture of Halkidiki.

With the main topic being the olive tree, the challenges facing its cultivation and the solutions that modern technologies can provide, the event answered key questions, such as what the new CAP that starts in 2023 for Greece provides, how Greek olive production can become more competitive and more sustainable, and how smart farming helps farmers make better decisions for their farms.

At the same time, a detailed presentation of NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense system, which supports the olive grower to achieve better results at reduced costs, was given, while successful case studies were analysed, such as the case of Yanni’s Olive Grove where gaiasense has added significant value to the final product.

In fact, Yannis Prodromou, producer and owner of the company, said, “The implementation of the advice of the gaiasense smart farming system has enabled us to significantly reduce our cultivation costs and thus have a more competitive product.

The event concluded with questions from the attendees, who showed genuine interest in the introduction of high technology in agricultural production and the digital transformation of the countryside, and there was no lack of questions regarding the operation of gaiasense and its advantages over the competition.