Tag: Smart Farming

NEUROPUBLIC and the gaiasense system supported the dynamic comeback of the 29th Agrotica International Fair

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The Agrotica International Fair has become an annual hub for the exchange of ideas, innovation and technology, as well as new products and services for the primary sector, which, after a two-year absence due to the COVID-19 update, took place on 20-23 October 2022 in Thessaloniki.

A large number of farmers – and not only – from Greece, the Balkans and the South East Europe passed through the gates of the HELEXPO International Exhibition Centre to have a close look at the solutions and proposals presented by the major industries and companies representing new technologies and all the latest developments in machinery, supplies and equipment for the agri-food sector – proof that the sector is hungry for information and meaningful commercial contacts in the context of the 29th International Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Supplies.

NEUROPUBLIC, a pioneer in the green and digital transformation of Greek agricultural production, participated in the first post-pandemic edition of the exhibition – a benchmark for the agricultural world. In a specially designed central booth, the Greek company welcomed a large number of farmers, agricultural consultants, agronomists, geotechnicians, researchers and representatives of companies in the field who wanted to learn more about its integrated proposals.

Specifically, visitors of Agrotica 2022 showed particular interest in smart farming, realizing that it is a one-way street for the sustainable future of the primary sector. It is characteristic that a large percentage of those who browsed the NEUROPUBLIC stand were already informed about its gaiasense smart farming system, as well as the gaiasense app, which frees producers’ hands and helps them to better and more effectively manage their agricultural activities with a “click” from their mobile phone. In fact, they had the opportunity to test the app live and see its updated capabilities thanks to two new additions:

1. The ability for each producer to manually register his/her parcels of land, drawing his/her fields on the map easily through the mobile phone, and

2. The cultivation work calendar, which helps the farmer to have on his mobile phone, easily and quickly, a detailed record of all the work in the field, such as irrigation, plant protection, fertilization, harvesting, cultivation care and soil management, in each of his individual parcels, to be sure that there is no risk of losing the diary and his history from the application, and to “green” his production, in line with the requirements of the new CAP.

Meaningful discussions and contacts, innovative solutions, detailed information. NEUROPUBLIC’s participation in Agrotica 2022 was a success and confirmed its leading position in the digital transformation of the primary sector and agri-food, in general.

The participation of NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense in Agrotica 2022

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After two years of absence, the 29th International Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery, Equipment and Supplies Agrotica returns more dynamic and enriched than ever and is preparing to welcome exhibitors and visitors between 20-23 October 2022 at the HELEXPO International Exhibition Centre in Thessaloniki.

The evolution of the primary sector that has met the challenges of the pandemic, the European Green Deal that seeks to change the “face” of agriculture, the global energy crisis, and the latest innovations in the agricultural field will be at the centre of the Exhibition, which will host representatives from the entire spectrum of agricultural entrepreneurship, as well as the entire range of companies providing machinery, technologies and services for the modern producer.

Among the companies that will take part, NEUROPUBLIC will be among those that will have the opportunity, at its booth, Stand 9 (near the Commerce Gate), to inform visitors in detail about the innovative products and services offered by the company and, more specifically, about the renewed and enriched gaiasense app for mobile phones, which is based on the gaiasense smart farming system and allows the farmer to receive highly relevant and accurate information about his plot and his crops, in a simple and understandable way, at any time, in real time, wherever he is.

In particular, the application is made more efficient and reliable thanks to a new addition, the cultivation calendar, which helps the farmer:

  • To have on his mobile phone, easily and quickly, a detailed record of all field work, such as irrigation, plant protection, fertilization, harvesting, crop care and soil management, on each individual plot.
  • To refer to his work history, effortlessly.
  • Be confident that there is no risk of losing his diary and history from the application.
  • To “green” his production and keep up with the requirements of the new CAP.

In addition, the gaiasense app gives the producer a three-day weather forecast, targeted for his fields, warnings of extreme weather events, information about the growth of each crop (problems with irrigation or fertilization, infestation by pests and diseases), and updates on when it is the right time to spray and water.

For NEUROPUBLIC, a pioneer in the digital transformation of the primary sector, participation in Agrotica is another way of contact with the agri-food world and another opportunity to listen to the pulse of the rural economy and development in the country.

Participation of the gaiasense system in the Earth Festival

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Between 20-24 July 2022, a great number of people visited Chania and, more specifically, the West Trench of the city, in order to attend the Earth Festival, the renewed and upgraded version of the “Rural August” events that have already been running for 23 years.

Among the dynamic companies focused on the development and transformation of the agri-food sector that wanted to boost their presence in the local market, was NEUROPUBLIC’s smart farming system gaiasense, which was present with its own booth.

The interest of the visitors was, of course, piqued by the innovative gaiasense app, based on the technological and scientific infrastructure of gaiasense, which brings smart farming to every farmer’s mobile phone with a “click”. In particular, the farmers who visited the gaiasense stand learned more about the app’s gaiasense1 service package that enables them to keep a digital diary, in real time, of all their field work. Irrigation, plant protection, fertilization, harvesting, crop care and soil management are all entered in an easy-to-use and user-friendly way on mobile, through the app.

At the same time, gaiasense1 helps farmers to reduce the use of pesticides, fertilizers and irrigation water, to effectively address the risks that threaten their crops, to improve their production both in quantity and quality, to reduce their environmental impact and, ultimately, to add value to their agricultural products.

It is worth noting that according to research in different soil and climatic conditions in Greece and abroad, as well as in a variety of crops, gaiasense, helps reduce irrigation costs between 20.23-33.76%, 21.89%-40.84% in fertilization costs, while a 33.72% reduction in pesticide costs was also observed.

gaiasense at the 18th Pancretan Exhibition of Agriculture, Livestock and Traditional Products

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The participation of NEUROPUBLIC and the gaiasense smart farming system in the 18th Pancretan Exhibition of Agriculture, Livestock and Traditional Products, which took place between 7-10 July 2022 at the Exhibition Centre in Vorros, in the Municipality of Phaistos, was a success.

NEUROPUBLIC managed once again to win the impressions and inform the public that passed by its stand about the European Green Agreement, the changes it will bring to the agri-food sector and, of course, how cutting-edge technology can meet the increased demands of the new CAP and producers and be their No1 ally in the green and digital transformation of agricultural production in our country.

At the same time, the dozens of farmers who passed by the stand of the Greek company IT & Technology, were informed about the pioneering gaiasense smart farming system, the economic and environmental benefits that stem from its implementation, as well as its advantages over the competition.

It is worth noting that the oldest agricultural exhibition in Crete returned, after 3 years of absence due to the pandemic, upgraded, with new structures and exhibition equipment, but also with the aim of becoming the fixed meeting point of the primary sector in the region. At the same time, the number of exhibitors was particularly high, with the participation of companies from all over Greece, which had the opportunity to get back in touch with the agricultural world and inform the public about their new products and services. Combined with the parallel artistic events and targeted speeches by experts, this year’s event was judged to be the largest and one of the most successful in the history of the Fair.

Open day for smart farming in potatoes at Messinia, Greece

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In the presence of producers, journalists and representatives of the Consumer Brand initiative, an informative event – open day was held on Friday, June 17, in Messinia for the promotion of local potato products, within the framework of the H2020 Ploutos project. NEUROPUBLIC, a technological partner of the pilot project and the project in general, actively participated in the event.

Specifically, the event started with a visit to a farm in the region of Messina for the presentation of the gaiasense smart farming system infrastructure, while it continued with an analysis of the potential of smart farming in potato cultivation to optimize production and reduce the environmental footprint through the rational application of inputs (water, fertilizers, pesticides). Costas Mihos from NEUROPUBLIC spoke about the role of the gaiasense system applied in Messinia, as well as the general benefits that arise from the utilization of the project for the producer and for the entire agri-food chain and, consequently, for consumers.

The presentation was concluded with questions from the audience and then the participants had the opportunity to taste the local potatoes and more. Several of them were extremely satisfied with the results of the project so far, and expressed the hope that smart farming will be adopted by the majority of the farming community in the coming years as “good practice for better yields at lower costs”.

A few words about the Ploutos project

Ploutos is a funded European project that aims to balance the agri-food value chain so that it works for the benefit of society and the environment. The project consists of 11 pilots in 13 countries, through 24 value chains (frozen fruit, arable crops, pasta, vegetables, livestock, gastronomic tourism, vegetables, agri-tourism, wine, fruit, etc.). Its main objectives are to reduce the environmental footprint, support smallholder farmers, empower consumers, improve soil health and carbon farming, reduce food waste and develop payments for ecosystem services.

NEUROPUBLIC IT and Technology Company is the technology partner of the project.

The gaiasense smart farming system extends its cooperation with the Stevia Hellas Cooperative

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For NEUROPUBLIC, the agri-food sector is an indisputable pillar of the national economy and its strengthening is a key element for the development of the country. In this context, the company, uninterruptedly and substantially supports the efforts of farmers to meet the challenges of the times. Thus, for almost five years, it has been a constant ally in the efforts of the Stevia Hellas Agricultural Cooperative for more, better quality and more competitive product, but also for a more sustainable cultivation model based on regenerative practices.

In recent years, the cultivation of stevia has been on the rise in Greece and Stevia Hellas has played a leading role in its development, especially after the establishment of the Stevia Thrace Agricultural Cooperative. At the moment, farmers from Lamia to Evros are producing high quality stevia, while many tobacco growers who are concerned about the future and find in stevia the ideal product to replace tobacco are particularly interested in switching to this crop. After all, stevia uses the same cultivation practices and machinery. At the same time, it has a better yield per hectare and its demand is constantly increasing in the food and drink industry. Finally, stevia cultivation requires significantly fewer natural resources, less water, reduced use of fertilisers and no chemicals and, consequently, its environmental footprint is smaller than that of tobacco.

Smart farming and, in particular, the gaiasense smart farming system developed by NEUROPUBLIC plays a central role in the initiatives to support stevia producers. Gaiasense uses modern technologies and scientific knowledge in such a way as to assist the farmer in making better production decisions. At the same time, it helps reduce costs and unnecessary loss of resources, reduces the impact of agriculture on the environment and climate, improves productivity and competitiveness, and increases the quality of stevia products.

This year again finds gaiasense next to the Stevia Hellas Cooperative, a helper in its work and its members, but, above all, in future actions for the expansion of the network and the cultivation of stevia in the country. “Technology and especially smart farming is a “tool” for better products and reduced input costs”, says Christos Stamatis, CEO of Stevia Hellas, about the renewal of the already successful cooperation between the two parties.

The numbers… spoke

It is worth noting that the figures from the field measurements are very encouraging. Depending on the type of crop and the area, the application of the gaiasense system can improve irrigation by reducing unnecessary watering by 14-47%, and fertilization by between 15-28%. In particular, in stevia there is a 22% reduction in unnecessary watering and a 17% reduction in fertilisation.

Besides, many Greek and foreign farmers who have already applied gaiasense to their production have seen its benefits and are satisfied. “We have been using gaiasense since 2019 and it gives us a lot of information about the crop and the environment. It has really helped our agronomists to optimise their recommendations to farmers”, explains Domingos Godinho, representative of the CONFAGRI (Confederation of Agricultural Cooperatives of Portugal), while Evangelos Asmanidis, a cotton producer in Evros, claims that “you are informed about some things that you cannot see with the naked eye and it helps you a lot in your work”.


Smart farming at Data Week 2022 with the participation of NEUROPUBLIC

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Issues of productivity, food safety, sustainability and climate neutrality in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal, through the lens of data collection, exchange and use in agri-food, were addressed in an online seminar held in the framework of BDVA Data Week 2022, on Wednesday 1 June.

Nikos Kalatzis, Head of Technical Project Management at NEUROPUBLIC, was among the speakers, with a presentation focused on good practice regarding the use of agricultural data. Specifically, he spoke about smart farming as a service, sharing agricultural data for policy monitoring and evaluation, the role of farm management information systems, and the path towards a federal agri-environmental data warehouse system.

“Farming practices are changing, data collection and processing mechanisms are evolving and can now help farmers in a meaningful way”, he argued, while shortly afterwards stressing that “the new agricultural policies are broadening their scope to contribute to the achievement of environmental objectives”.

Finally, Kalatzis explained the operation of NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense smart farming system and how it uses the data collected from the field to provide advice to farmers. At the same time, he underlined the contribution of gaiasense to faster subsidy payments and reduction of bureaucracy, increased efficiency and effectiveness in monitoring agro-ecological indicators, and improved transparency in food production (traceability).

About BDVA Data Week

BDVA Data Week is the leading annual event of the European research and innovation community BDVA in relation to Big Data and Artificial Intelligence – of which NEUROPUBLIC is a member – and for another year its main objective was to exchange views and knowledge, strengthen international relations, disseminate policies and initiatives, and identify potential problems.

BDVA Data Week, which kicked off on 24 May, will conclude with a two-day physical event on 8 and 9 June in Naples, Italy, where speakers and experts of international standing will address the main topics discussed throughout the event.

The benefits of the gaiasense smart farming system in the context of the European Skills Week

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Minas Pelekanos, Sales & Training Support Executive of NEUROPUBLIC, spoke on Friday 20 May about the new CAP in the era of the European Green Agreement and the role of digitalisation, at an event for the European Professional Skills Week, organised by the educational organisation AKMI.

Themed “Green Growth”, the event took place in the main auditorium of the Training Centre and was the ideal platform for the promotion of the objectives of the new, “greener” Common Agricultural Policy and its ambitions in relation to the environment and climate. At the same time, Mr. Pelekanos’ presentation focused on how digitalisation and smart farming can help in the green transformation of the agri-food sector.

At the centre of the discussion and the questions of the more than 100 students who attended, was the innovative gaiasense smart farming system, which not only enhances the reduction of the environmental and climate footprint of the food system, but also has measurable benefits for the producer. Specifically, NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense can reduce up to 47% of unnecessary watering, reduce up to 28% of fertilization costs, and help reduce unnecessary spraying by up to 16%.

As a result, environmental protection and adaptation to the European Green Deal, improved competitiveness and reduced inputs, higher and better-quality production, better profit for the farmer.

From left: N. Sarri (KPMG), N. Angeloudis (Pfizer Hellas), Em. Aposolakis (AKMI), El. Minakaki, G. Galanis (MYTILINEOS S.A.) & M. Pelekanos (NEUROPUBLIC)