Tag: Smart Farming

NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense at the European Skills Week event

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For the second consecutive year, the educational organization AKMI participates in the European Skills Week, which runs from 16 to 20 May 2022 and, this time, has as its theme “Green Development”.

In this context, NEUROPUBLIC will be present at a relevant event on Friday, May 20, at the main auditorium of the Training Centre (16, Codrigtonos). Specifically, the Sales & Training Support Executive of the company, Minas Pelekanos, will speak, in the presence of 100 students of Economics & Management, about climate change and environmental degradation, but also about the role of digitalization and -mainly- smart farming in the green transformation of the agricultural sector, within and outside the borders.

The protagonist of the presentation will, of course, be the innovative gaiasense smart farming system, which aims to put advanced technologies at the service of the producer to ensure food security while enhancing the reduction of the environmental and climate footprint of the food system, thus contributing to the transition towards competitive sustainability.

Invitation to an informative workshop at the Agricultural Cooperative of Chania

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The Agricultural Cooperative of Chania and NEUROPUBLIC invite you to an informative event that will take place on Monday, April 11th 2022 at 10:00 am in the central hall of the Cooperative’s Kolymvari branch.

The workshop will focus on the new CAP and the questions that have been raised by farmers, as well as on NEUROPUBLIC’s innovative gaiasense smart farming system that helps the producer achieve higher crop production and better quality at reduced costs.

We are waiting for you all.

PRESS RELEASE – Successful gaiasense workshop in Aegina

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On Sunday, March 13, an event organized in Aegina by the Agricultural Association of Aegina in collaboration with NEUROPUBLIC was successfully completed.

The members of the Association who are involved in the cultivation of pistachio responded positively to the invitation for the informative workshop and filled the Kypseli Cultural Centre on the island. Similarly, from the side of NEUROPUBLIC were present the Commercial Director George Papadimas and the Agronomist Evangelia Tourkochoriti, who informed the attendees about the new technologies and the future of agricultural production.

The topics of the event were focused on two axes: the implementation and benefits of smart farming, and NEUROPUBLIC’s innovative gaiasense smart farming system and how it can help the producer in the demanding pistachio cultivation.

Specifically, during the workshop, measurements and data from the use of the gaiasense system were analyzed, while the audience gained a more specialized insight into what exactly it is and how much it can, in cooperation with the innovative gaiasense mobile app, benefit – quantitatively and qualitatively – agricultural production and, in particular, the production of PDO Aegina pistachio.

The workshop concluded with questions from the farmers, who showed that they are keen for information, innovation and anything that could make their daily life easier and their production more efficient.

Informative event on smart farming in Aegina

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NEUROPUBLIC, faithful to its commitment to support farmers in their effort to move towards the new digital reality and the better management of their crops, is organizing an informative workshop on Sunday, March 13, at 11:00-14:00 at the Kypseli Cultural Centre, in Aegina, Greece.

The event will be held in collaboration with the Agricultural Association of Aegina and will focus on smart farming, and how its implementation on farms reduces costs and unnecessary loss of resources, how it minimises the impact of farming on the environment, and, ultimately, how it helps farmers make better decisions about their production.

At the same time, NEUROPUBLIC’s innovative gaiasense system will be presented, which helps the producer – in this case, the pistachio grower – to deal effectively with the risks that threaten his crop and achieve higher crop production and better quality at reduced costs.

Smart farming in the focus of an information event in the Municipality of Mires

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In the context of NEUROPUBLIC’s consistent policy to support the agricultural community and inform them on the issues of the new CAP and the advantages of smart farming, an informative event was held on Friday 18 February in cooperation with the Agricultural Cooperative of Messara at the Polycentre of the Municipality of Mires.

The event, which brought together a large number of producers from the wider region, answered urgent topics concerning the modern farmer. Specifically, the attendees were informed by George Tzifas, Sales Executive of NEUROPUBLIC, about the innovative system of smart farming gaiasense, the economic and environmental benefits resulting from its implementation, as well as its advantages over the competition.

Afterwards, the floor was taken over by John Mavroudis, Business Strategy & Extroversion Consultant and Member of the Board of Directors of NEUROPUBLIC, to talk about the new CAP, how it affects Greek producers and the primary sector in general, the green and digital transformation of agricultural production and, of course, to answer questions.

The interaction between the participants and the speakers was really impressive, the questions were many and, in the end, the satisfaction and enthusiasm of the producers was obvious, both for the nature and the quality of the information they received. Indeed, there were several who said that they felt there was finally a genuine interest in the difficulties they face and their concerns.

Invitation to an informative workshop in the Municipality of Mires

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The new Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the transition to a sustainable food system that will bring environmental, health and social benefits, smart farming and the response to the challenge of green and digital transformation of agricultural production, as well as NEUROPUBLIC’s pioneering gaiasense smart farming system, will be on the agenda of a workshop that will take place on Friday 18 February 2022.

The event, which will have a clearly informative character, is organized by NEUROPUBLIC in cooperation with the Agricultural Cooperative of Messara at the Polycentre of the Municipality of Mires and will focus on urgent issues concerning the modern farmer:

  • What changes for the producer with the implementation of the new CAP?
  • What does competitive sustainability and digitalisation mean?
  • How can modern technologies help farmers make better decisions about their fields and crops?
  • What is smart farming and why is it so important under the EU and the new CAP?
  • What are the advantages of the gaiasense system and what is the benefit for the farmer?

At the same time, a broad discussion will be held on the directions that Greek primary production should follow in order to become more competitive and, at the same time, more profitable for the farmer, as well as how the transition of the Greek agricultural sector will take place in the future.

Admission to the event will be free and all necessary measures will be taken to protect the participants against COVID-19.

Informative workshop on the new CAP and the gaiasense Smart Farming System: Friday 18 February, 18:30 p.m., Municipality of Phaistos Polycentre in Moires.