19 October 2021
The gaiasense mobile app is introduced to the producers of Heraklion Crete

The presentation of NEUROPUBLIC’s innovative mobile application gaiasense mobile app was successfully completed on Wednesday 13 October at Kato Asites in Heraklion Prefecture under the auspices of NEUROPUBLIC and the Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Heraklion. Several producers of the region attended the event to watch the educational activity, to use the application, based on the gaiasense smart farming system, on their mobile phones and to learn how it works. At the same time, they were informed about the benefits of the application and how it can change the way fields are managed, with a “click” on the mobile screen!

The gaiasense mobile app is an advanced, yet simple to use application, which can be used even by a farmer who has no familiarity with the latest technologies. In particular, the app allows one to obtain highly relevant information about one’s farm in a simple and understandable way, helping the producer to improve production both quantitatively and qualitatively, reduce environmental impact and, ultimately, create additional value in his agricultural products.

The agronomist of NEUROPUBLIC, Minas Pelekanos, in collaboration with members of the Heraklion Union, the Head of Subsidies Mr. Filippakis, the agronomists Mr. Damianakis and Mr. Foukarakis, as well as the local agronomist of the Agricultural Cooperative of Kato Asiton Mr. Kabitaki, were there to present the application, to talk to the attendees and to answer the questions of the producers.