11 July 2023
The heatwave, as “seen” by NEUROPUBLIC’s gaiasense

Heat wave conditions (CLEON heat wave) will prevail from Wednesday (12.07.2023). In more detail:

On Wednesday 12.07.2023 the temperature will reach:

  • in the Northern Continental region 39 oC.
  • In Central Greece 38 oC, in Thessaly 41 oC, while in the rest of the continental regions it will not exceed 35 oC.
  • In the island regions the maximum temperatures will reach 33 – 35 oC.


On Thursday 13.07.2023 the temperature will rise further:

  • In the northern continental areas the temperature will reach 38oC while in many areas of Central Macedonia it will reach 40oC.
  • In Thessaly the maximum temperature will reach 41oC, in Central Greece 38 – 40oC, while in the rest of the continental regions 38oC.
  • In the island regions the maximum temperature will reach 33 – 35 oC. (In the Dodecanese and South Crete 2 degrees higher).


On Friday 14.07.2023 there will be a peak of the phenomenon:

  • In Central Macedonia maximum temperatures will reach 41 – 42 oC. In the rest of the northern continental regions the maximum temperature will reach 38 – 39 oC.
  • In Thessaly the maximum temperature will reach 43 – 44 oC, in Central Greece 41 – 42 oC.
  • In Attica the temperature will reach 41 oC, while in the rest of the continental regions the maximum temperature will reach 38 – 40 oC.
  • In the island regions the maximum temperature will reach 34 – 37 oC (in the Dodecanese and South Crete 1 – 2 degrees higher).


On Saturday 15.07.2023:

  • In Central Macedonia maximum temperatures will reach 41 oC. In the rest of the northern continent the maximum temperature will reach 39 – 40oC.
  • In Thessaly the temperature will reach 43 oC, while in the Central region (including Attica) the maximum temperature will reach 40 – 42 oC. In the Peloponnese, maximum temperatures will reach 39 – 41 oC.
  • In the rest of the continent maximum temperatures will reach 39 – 41 oC.
  • In the island regions maximum temperatures will reach 38 – 39 oC.


On Sunday, 16.07.2023, there will be a slight weakening of the phenomenon. However, high temperatures will prevail until early next week.

Indicatively, the risk limits of the main crops from the effects of high temperatures are given:

Vine: Risk from heatwave at temperatures T >= 38°C

Cotton: Risk from heatwave at temperatures T >= 34°C

Apricot: Risk of heatwave at temperatures T >= 38°C

Tobacco: Risk of heatwave at temperatures T >= 42°C

Walnut: Risk of heatwave at temperatures T >= 36°C

Peach tree: Risk of heatwave at temperatures T >= 38°C

Tomato tree: Risk of heatwave at temperatures T >= 30°C

Potato: Risk of heatwave at temperatures T >= 30°C

Average daily temperature in various regions of Greece during the next days


Irrigation recommendations for the heatwave

Irrigation during a heatwave is vital to ensure the health and survival of plants. Here are some tips to help you optimize your irrigation practices during a heatwave:

  1. Water deeply and infrequently: Instead of frequent light watering, provide deep watering to encourage plants to develop deep root systems. This allows them to access moisture from lower soil levels and become more resistant to heat stress. Deep watering also helps reduce water loss through evaporation.
  2. Water early in the morning or late in the evening: Watering during the cooler hours of the day minimizes evaporation and allows plants to absorb moisture efficiently. Avoid watering during the hottest hours, as water can evaporate before plants can take advantage of it. In addition, water droplets on leaves can act as mirrors, concentrating sunlight in one spot, resulting in burns to the fruit and leaves.
  3. Use drip irrigation: This method of irrigation delivers water directly to the base of the plants, minimizing water loss through evaporation. Drip irrigation also ensures that water reaches the rootstock more efficiently, promoting effective water absorption.
  4. Monitor soil moisture: Regularly check the moisture levels in your soil to avoid over- or under-irrigation. Use a moisture meter to determine if the soil is at a sufficient moisture level and adjust your irrigation schedule accordingly.
  5. Give priority to water-sensitive plants: If you have a limited amount of irrigation water, prioritize watering high value plants or plants that are more sensitive to heat stress. This ensures their survival and minimizes potential losses.


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