22 September 2021
Visitors of the 85th TIF are informed about gaiasense

True to its annual appointment with the Thessaloniki International Fair, NEUROPUBLIC welcomed again this year the businessmen, the political world, the representatives of local government and the general public, from 11 to 19 September, in the first physical organization of the largest exhibition event in Greece since the pandemic.

With the central message “”Smart Farming is the farmer’s ally in the era of the Green Deal” and spearheaded by the gaiasense Smart Farming system, NEUROPUBLIC managed to make a great impression once again thanks to its specially designed space, which attracted a large number of people who wanted to learn how advanced technology can respond to the ever-increasing need for digitalisation and sustainable development.

In particular, visitors were interested in the brand new gaiasense mobile app, which is based on the technological and scientific infrastructure of gaiasense and brings smart farming to every farmer’s mobile phone, as well as the fully functional agro-meteorological station of gaiasense that was installed at the booth and transmitted real-time data from the atmosphere and soil on a projection screen.